Want to Be A FlyDog? Then, your goal is Graduation Day!
Being a FlyDog Graduate is a Special Award. It is NOT given just because your dog learned how to play flyball. Being a FlyDog Graduate means you embody the SPIRIT and MAGIC of what it means to be a FLYDOG in a CLUB.
- Consistently attend a new time slot – to practice with FlyDogs (4-8 weeks)
- Successfully integrate with Club Dogs and Handlers – friendly, shows initiative, wants to be around us, your dog likes our dogs and vice versa
- Demonstrate a consistent positive approach to training your dog
- Demonstrate a willingness to learn but also to share insight and observations
- Demonstrate a consistent desire to be an ongoing club member:
- Help with Lessons
- Help with Equipment
- Have Suggestions
- Show interest in Box Loading, Aid Handling, Shagging
- Show Camaraderie
FlyDog Graduate – Finally the day has arrived! As a Seattle FlyDogs’ “FlyDog Graduate” you and your dog are passing our club dogs off leash safely, triggering the box safely, retrieving the ball, and running over all 8 hurdles on a successful release and recall. As a FlyDog Graduate, you and your dog have gained skills that can be carried into Agility, Rally, Tracking and other sports!
Joining the Club – All obedient and friendly flyball dogs and humans are invited to agree to our mission and values and to Be a FlyDog! So, bring your pup on by and check us out!